I wished him a happy new year, my boss. And told him that one of my new years resolutions was, unfortunately (not for me, but I didn’t say that), to quit my job. And so I did.
And he said, wow, and that it was unexpected. But that he could understand me.
So where was I going to work then, where was my new job going to be, he asked.
I have no idea, I told him, I only know that it’s not going to be in Aarhus, and not in Denmark either. That I was selling my flat and that I would move to another city in another country.
And he asked – where are you going ?
And I said : hey babe, I take a walk on the wildside …
Do do do do do dododododo dododo…
Yeah – 10 bonuspoints for cockie ! :-)
Eh.. je weet hoe het met de jongen uit dat liedje afliep he..? (of meisje)
Yes I do : http://www.slangcity.com/songs/lou_reed.htm
“Take a walk on the wild side = do something crazy”
Which fits quite well, Lou can keep the rest of lyrics of this song for himself :-) No need to overdo it.
Still crazy ;-)
after all those years