I will never grow up, I admit it, so I like the small Messenger like pictures, also called (gr)avatars. So I implemented the Gravatar plugin, and now you people out there – sign up for your own gravatar. Because there are way too many coffee cups floating around on this site at the moment.
The picture will be connected to your email address (which will never be shown!), and will be available on all weblogs, forums, whatever using a gravatar implementation. (You don’t need to have a weblog yourself!)
I signed up for one, and it’s “pending” now. I wonder how long it will take to become available…
They normally are pretty fast, about 2-3 days max.
2-3 hours max that is :-) Groovy !
I’ve signed up for my gravatar as well and it seems I will have to implement this plugin over at my own blog…
Hmmm…. can’t seem to get it to work. I’m getting all kinds of errors on my blog. I’ll switch this off again for now…
What kind of errors ? I did exactly what the readme file said (or nearly – hee – I am a programmer :-) and it works fine here.
Yey, gravatars. Achja, laat ik ook es meedoen. Niet op mijn eigen logje, want daar nemen ze teveel plek in. Jammer he?
Och, hij moet nog ge-reet worden! Wist ik niet.
That goes pretty fast Yak, so you’ll show up in no time.
I liked the favicon plugin even better (but hey, I got me a new one) :-) Gravatar works fine with WP but is a disaster in pivot or haloscan, showing your emailadress.
Yeah I like the favicon one too, but you were the only one having a favicon :-) And the advantage of the gravatar thing is that you don’t need to have a website yourself. Haloscan showing your email address, that is just completely ridiculous. Pivot : you must be able to change that since Pivot templates are tunable aren’t they ?
Sounds like a good thing … by the way, the DVD on Tour Thing on the left of your blog sounds good as well … should keep that in mind *g*
You’re right about the”you don’t need to have a website” with gravatar. Pivot can be changed, as can be done with haloscan, but that calls for action…
@Claudia. you’re very welcome to sign up for the Girl in the Cafe on tour :-)
Thanks, I was wondering were those came from.