Viktorrrrr …
Why you might want to see it:
Lots of vampires drinking blood
Lots of people-become-a-werewolf scenes
Kate Beckinsale in a latex suit
Scot Speedman as a werewolf
And seriously beautiful colours, very blueish.
Why I had to see it:
Bill Nighy with long hair and a 2-3 days beard
Bill Nighy wearing a knights suit, being armed and dangerous, and hot
Bill Nighy talking funny because of vampire teeth
Bill Nighy riding a horse
Bill Nighy with very (very!) blue contact lenses
(Nighy tells Empire magazine about this film, “I can ski, sword fight, water ski, fence and ride a horse – and I can’t do any of them.” )
Now place this performance beside his distinguished Brit Lawrence performance, and you understand why he really is a groovy actor. He can play anything. Viktor is rather convincing and impressive, despite the film as a whole. (Even though I admit that I had to laugh about the funny it-is-difficult-to-talk-normal-with-vampire-teeth-in accent).
Did I understand what the film was about ?
Not rrrreally, and I did see Part 1 …
Would I have seen this film if Bill wasn’t in it ?
Absolutely not. Worst thing is, he is only in it for about 3 minutes.
Would I have considered this to be a pretty crappy film if Bill wasn’t in it ?
Should you see it ?
Probably not.
I was not the only one finding it a bit dull after half an hour. One guy fell asleep in the (half filled) cinema, and started snorking so loudly that everybody started laughing. And you have to snork rather loud to be hearable while vampires and werewolves are fighting and shouting and roaring on the screen. In the end someone simply had to wake him up. Quite entertaining I have to say.
I tried to watch part 1 twice, failed on both occasions, it’s just not my cup of tea. And how long can one stay awake on 3 minutes of Bill? So I think I won’t even try ;-)
No don’t.
The 3 minutes of Bill are also in the very beginning of the film. So I completely understand the snorker guy.