No post today

Because of high summer temperatures in London, lunchbreak spent on the roof terrace of our office in stead of behind my screen, and because I am now stuffed after we just held a major barbeque lunch outside in the sun – no (decent) post today.

May the weather be as nice over at your place.

And tonight (and the rest of the weekend), I am going to hunt a major Elephant (more at BBC London) wandering through the streets of London.

(It’s a fairy-tale event for children and adults alike, set on the streets of London over the course of the coming weekend (4 – 7 May) and featuring a vast, 42-ton mechanical elephant, a time-travelling Sultan and his retinue – and a few surprises as well.)

This is going to be cool.
Life in London is good.

2 thoughts to “No post today”

  1. Er staat vandaag een foto in het Parool van een enorm houten ruimteschip dat geland is op Waterloo Place. Veel plezier!

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