Shorts – and the road ahead

Not being on the film course anymore has the risk of falling into a film making gap. But I am trying hard to stay out of it. The runner job in September is one thing, and yesterday I was at a kick off meeting for a short film project I am going to help on together with some of my class mates. It looks very promising all together, the woman writing the script is both a professional screenwriter and producer. So this is going to be fun. Apart from that I scored a day on a professional film set (feature film, and I forgot the title – and I am only going to watch – not work) somewhere in November. I have no idea where all this is going, and how it is going to end (hopefully it won’t), but again, last Thursday when I heard Jamie Payne talking passionately about his career as a director and filmmaker – my heart goes boom. I know what my ultimate goal is.

One day I want to do my own short film too, which is very easy to say but quite hard to do. The whole point is to find an original idea. There is lots of inspiration on the net, and there are some great shorts out there. Here is one of my absolute favourite ones, only 90 seconds, and made on a low to no budget.

Enjoy : The End.

Absolutely Brilliant.

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