The Infinite ImprobaBILLity Drive – a poem

Stars Make me Dream

Imagine when you’re sad
Or stressed or lost or stuck
You just could press this switch
And there was instant luck

No matter where you are
It sends you to a place
Where life is good, it puts
the smile back on your face

The people you will meet
Are nice and true and kind
And happiness it seems
it’s possible to find

I’m glad I found this trick
It often saves my life
I love The Infinite
ImprobaBILLity Drive

( Note 1: Dedicated, of course, to Slartibartfast, the planet designer.
The brilliantly appropriate Quote in space is by Vincent van Gogh, the painter.)

(Note 2: Something tells me that line 3 and 4 of the 3rd part aren’t exactly Oxford English approved. If it is a really bad construction : suggestions for a text change there – highly appreciated. If I can get away with it – good).

3 thoughts to “The Infinite ImprobaBILLity Drive – a poem”

  1. And I’d say never mind about Oxford approved constructions in poetry – as far as I know, Shakespeare himself didn’t care much about them ;)

    (And it made me smile too)

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