So yes it was a part of the NFT youth program, but they had the preview, and I couldn’t wait to see Flushed Away (imdb) longer than absolutely necessary. It will be released this weekend, and it is safe to say that this is a film suitable for the whole family. Children (and the young at heart) can enjoy the story about pet posh mouse Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) from Kensington being flushed into the sewers of London. And adults can enjoy all the jokes and references to other films that are thrown at you along the way. It’s Aardman, so the characters do resemble the likes of Wallace & Grommit, but they are done through CGI. If you loved W&G you are going to love this.
There is a highly enjoyable voice cast with Ian McKellen (as the Toad), and Bill Nighy and Andy Serkis (Gollum) (as his henchmen) as the absolute highlights. And you’ll never look at slugs the same way again after this film. The soundtrack is rocking, the story entertaining and original. Take your family and go see it, it’s fun.
For me the whole reason to mingle into this youth program was of course Whitey, the big, not too bright, albino rat, brain damaged by all the shampoo tests they have done on him. “When I went in I was grey” is one of his remarks about this testlab, which he luckily seemed to have escaped to now work for The Toad, a big fat green monster, ruling it all in downtown London. Whitey is supposed to be the tough guy, he is much bigger than the others and wears lots of bling bling (think stereotype mafia bodyguard type). But he surely has his softspots, embarrassing his mate Spike by wearing pink woolen gloves with red hearts on it (it’s all Love Actually). And ending the story with “Oh I love a happy ending”. Absolutely Billiant.
Let’s see if they can keep the Penguins from snapping the Oscar for Best Animation Film this year. Highly recommended.
If you don’t believe me, check out the slugs : Everybody Dance Now!
Die ga ik zeker zien. En van the slugs word ik erg vrolijk! :-))
You are so lucky! I’m counting the days till the premiere.. and guess.. I am lucky as well, cause the premiere is today!
I’m sure you will enjoy the film, the both of you. :)
Thanks for the review, I’ll take the family with me…
After reading most of your reviews I’m sure you’ll love Ratatouille. It may not have Bill Nighy, but it DOES have loads of rats (and Peter O’Toole) in it! (Should count for something, right?)
Definitely worth a watch. :)
I am sure I’ll like it, I have seen the trailer in the cinema several times already. But the film is first due in October here in the UK, so I am waiting patiently. :)