While Kevin was giving a Spacey performance in the Old Vic, I went to it’s younger brother, the Young Vic, a bit further down on The Cut. Recently reopened and kicking off with a season of fresh new plays. Love and Money was very different from Love Song, a nearly naked stage, and quite a different view on the whole Love thing. Was it any good? Yes it was any good, excellent acting, interesting story. Recommended, if you like something different.
But honestly, the best theatre related thing today was reading all this. I told you he was good.
He’s been getting fantasrtc reviews hasn’t he? They discussed it on Radio 4’s Front Row on Friday night.
When are you seeing it? If you get a chance please ask him if they can bring it over to London?LOL (No way I can swing a trip to NY!!)
Rumours are already going that they will bring it to London, though not before april 2007, as Bill is signed to play the whole season in NY. But I truly hope they will bring it back to London too.
I will see it around Christmas time.