and so the feeling grows


If I told you that I spent at least 3 hours totally in a shop to find the perfect travel notebook, would you think I was crazy?

If so, I am not going to tell you.
Oh, you already thought I was crazy anyway.
OK then, I spent at least 3 hours to find the right notebook.

It’s not that they don’t have loads of notebooks in Paperchase, it’s just that I become a freak when it comes to buying a notebook. The colour needs to please my eye, the lining on the paper needs to have the perfect distance and the paper needs to be friendly and inviting to write on. Not an easy task, but I found the lucky one that will travel with me.

I also know how to get to Heathrow. I have my Oystercard in order for the rest of the year. I can’t eat much at the moment so a prefect way to lose some weight, as cheese cakes seem to be good in New York. I need to decide if I take my laptop or not and I need to try to catch a bit more sleep than I have done the last few nights, otherwise I will be completely knackered before I have even set foot on the airport. Where are those sheep when you need them?

I am going to post my Xmas cards tomorrow. 20 giggling and loud girls are eager to go travelling from a beautiful red UK mailbox to a mailbox in a door near you, if you are one of the 20. It will be nice and quiet when they are gone, they make a lot of noise, and they tend to escape all the time. Yesterday I spotted one sitting on a man’s shoulder! A handsome man, true, but they are totally uncontrollable. So yes they are a bit late, and I am a bit late, and I have no excuse.

Or I do : I am nervous. I am exited. I am nervous. I am exited. There, that’s 4 excuses.
I have an attention span of about 0.42 seconds at the moment, which is handy when you need to finish loads of stuff at work before Christmas. And there are phone calls with considerate customers. One of them is an older man, sometimes I suspect him calling us just to have a chat. He normally calls once a week but always on the most busy moments when no one has time for him. He is a very friendly and considerate person, I have never seen him, only spoken to him. These days, with an attention span like this, phone calls like his is what I am incredibly good at. Especially when we change subject to New York.

Christmas in New York? Oh cracking. Who are you going with?
Ehrm, well … And I decided that explaining my relation with Davy to him would confuse things a bit. So …
Alone? he says in big amazement.
Well, yeah.
Wow. What area are you staying? Not in a dangerous area are you? Will you be careful there? It’s a big city!
I know, I know, I will be careful. I have a pira…. I will be fine, really!
Pfew, how can you go to New York alone? He sounded like a concerned father. And I have to admit that I like that about him.

To answer his question:
You need to be a little crazy in your head, you need to trust that things will be OK, and you plan some things over there that are going to rock your world so you have something big to look forward to.
It’s easy really. You see?

5 days until departure. 7 days until the Vertical Hour.
And so the feeling grows.

12 thoughts to “and so the feeling grows”

  1. Don’t forget to stick your ticket (Bus, metro, ect) stubbs and gum wrappers in your journal!

    Or is just me who collects gum wrappers????

  2. Menu’s – wow Tyger that is a great idea! Especially because I had in mind to go eat in some of those beautiful diners they still have in NY.

    I don’t have a wardrobe door (I have a wardrobe linnen) but I have a big wall where I put on stuff like this. Thanks for the tip!

    Gum wrappers eh? :)

  3. Gum: Note the silvery innards Ingrid; I?m talking about the coloured outer wrappers. I?m not that strange.

    Deli?s and such like have takeaway menus, and you don?t even have to buy anything, just to swipe one off the counter. You can then fantasise about ordering the food when you get back. I cannot, however, recommend stealing the large hard-backed ones from fancy restaurants ? unless of course you?re a fast runner, which I?m not.

  4. I didn’t think you meant the silvery innards Tyger, I might be strange, but not that strange. And I didn’t think you were that strange either to be honest. I collect the weirdest things myself. And if I should bring you some wrappers, just say the word. What word? I don’t know, you tell me.

    Right enough there. Take away menus that’s easy as I have never been a fast runner. I am not sure I have ever been a runner at all. And fancy restaurants, I fancy them but only in fancy company. Which is probably not going to happen on this trip. :)

  5. sheep?
    no longer hip these days
    count them goats…

    You won’t travel alone, l
    ots of us people are sitting on the wings of the plane, keeping an eye on you. Guardian angels? no, just I-angels
    left, right and center

  6. OK, so, I do this every time I pick out a notebook. These questions are important, how resiliant is the spine? How large are the lined areas, will I need seperate sections, does it have pockets? Will it fit in a pocket? Do I need it to fit in a pocket? All important.

  7. I just went, so here are some things to do while in NYC:

    MoMA’s special exhibit of European reproductions
    The American’s in Paris exhibit at the Met
    The gugenheim has Spainish painting
    A French Film at the Paris
    High-Life bar and grill 1/2 off sushi and mango mojitos. (On Amsterdam Ave. in the Upper West Side)
    Go see Jaymay if she is playing anywhere, she is great. You’ll love it. (find her on Myspace music)

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