(Bill Nighy (left) and Andrew Scott)
OK, I have to write now, if not I would be screaming on Times Square, and with all the police men going around there, this was the safer option.
The play was fantastic, Bill Nighy was so incredibly good and cool and funny on stage that he so absolutely was worth the whole trip from London to New York. He was illuminating the whole theatre, he is that good, and he is a one of a kind. Catch him in this play if you have the chance because it is not coming to London in the near future. Julianne Moore was great too, and so was Andrew Scott, who played Bill’s son and did that very well. He is someone to keep an eye on when he gets back to London.
After the play I had to have his autograph on my program, I know, pathetic, and this time I decided that I was actually going to try to speak to him. I realized that this was actually the part I had been so nervous about lately. I am not going to bore you with the details, but I got my The Girl DVD cover signed, I have one of my Bill artworks signed, and I now have a picture on my camera which he called “the glasses unite” as he did wear his funky specs too. It is really great. And don’t worry, I won’t show it. And I shook his hand, twice. Bill Nighy is the nicest and most down to earth gentleman on this planet. And I am not so sure I can sleep tonight either.
I want to end this ramble with this quote, which I read somewhere but forgot where and who and why, but it couldn’t be more appriopiate:
“He moves me in ways I don’t understand. Which is my favourite way of being moved”.
My year has been extraordinary, and he is partly to blame. I am not sure I will be back online before 2007, so if not, have a Happy New Year, be careful with fireworks, and may 2007 be a magical year for you.
I am going to try to walk home without too much jumping and singing now. Love + Rock.
I think you are walking on glouds now, do you ;-)) Great!!!!
There’s joy radiating from this post!
I think I can fathom your feelings only in a peripheral way.
Once I saw David Bowie playing the Elephant Man in the Blackstone Theatre in Chicago, a lasting impression.
he did not need to dress up, he played it so well that you could actually “see” the disfiguration
Ik wens je een voorspoedig Nieuwjaar.
Keep flying!
WOW!!! Way to go, girl! My chin just dropped as I read this :D I’m really thrilled for you and can well imagine you won’t be back to Earth so soon, but I wish you a Happy New Year, in whichever planet you are ;)
So pleased it was all worhtwhile:)
Wow– you’ve got some great photos of NYC, too. I saw “Vertical Hour” three times in Nov. and Dec. and had the honor of meeting Bill twice. He really, really makes that play great and shows everyone what a world-class theatre actor he is. I would never have known, otherwise, though I’ve loved him in films for years.
I’m so glad he got his Globe, too, and the world is Nighy onto him. A kinder and more deserving man does not exist.