Last year it was a few days late, this year it came 2 days early, but hey, we are not complaining. It’s a huge package, gift wrapped and all and it nearly doesn’t fit in my room, a perfect birthday gift. There is one slight issue though …
“Oh, I know that one” Slarti said rather convincingly “Time lock.”
“Great” I said.
“How do we open it?” Davy and I said simultaneously, both rather exited.
“You can’t” Slarti said.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“You can’t open it. It will open itself.”
“Ahhhh ….”
“When the time is right.”
“And when is that?” Davy asked, rather impatiently.
“We’ll have to wait and see” Slarti said.
“What?” I said.
“Ahrrr who would send something like that?!” Davy said.
“Well, … ” Slarti said “But you know, it’s a great gift, we can wait for the time to be right. It is not going anywhere now is it?”
No it is not. So we will wait for the time to be right. And when that day comes (hopefully soon! Davy shouts), we’ll tell you what’s in there. We have no real idea either, apart from that we know for sure that it is something great.
Now: beam yourself a year back in time and listen. It’s still all too beautiful.
We hope you have a nice day. We’ll have a little party, and then we are going to make some plans for the coming year.
(In my best singing voice)
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, dear Ingrid
Happy Birthday to you
…and many more….
Wishing you an all too beautiful birthday!!! :D
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, liebe Ingrid! I wonder in how many different languages the readers of your blog could leave their birthday wishes (speaking of mother tongue of course).
Happy Birthday!
What’s the significance of 42?
Is that a hole through the tree in the photo?
@Michele, try to do a google search on:
“the answer to life, the universe and everything”
(It’s not a hole through the tree unfortunately, I think Photoshop decided that it looked blue’ish :)
Happy birthday! :) (And just to please Zazz: tillykke med fødselsdagen ;))
Thanks, Ingrid, I found the answer. Silly me.
Er is er een jarig, hoera, hoera
Dat kun je wel zien dat is zij!
Dat vinden wij allen zo prettig, ja, ja
En daar om zingen wij blij:
Zij leve lang, hoe ra, hoera
Zij leve lang, hoe ra, hoera
Zij leve lang, hoe ra, hoera
Zij leve lang, hoe ra!
Many Happy Returns! May your next year be as exciting as your last has been!
Almost an hour too late over here (NL), but still on time for you, I hope.
Congratulations! :)
Gefeliciteerd !
Dat lijkt de Terschellinger vlag wel… )
hApPy BiRtHdAy to you Ingrid!
Happy birthday again!
You are certainly having an adventure – and I’m very pleased to be nipping in here and there :)
If what you are having is a midlife crisis, I want one, too!