Have a great one

Birthday Bill

I want to be just as silly as him when I am 58.
Handsome. Funny. Intelligent. What a man.
Happy Birthday to Bill.

And happy birthday to Jill, who also has her birthday today, and who chose to celebrate it in London. We drank tea (the milky way) yesterday and it was a pleasure to meet her. It is funny to meet bloggers in real life, you read each others blogs, you already know quite some things about each other and conversation is easy. We walked from Notting Hill to Leicester Square, talked a lot, we waved at Big Bill and it was good. Happy Birthday to Jill.

I am at home today, waiting for my new laptop to arrive. Somehow Dell is a bit annoying as they didn’t really want to deliver it on another delivery address. It doesn’t matter, I have some things I need to take care of here, so while listening to the soundtrack of Love Actually (which is a joy) I take care of some things on my todo list.

Tomorrow I have a first meeting with 2-3 people who like to make a short film in December. I am exited and I really hope we get to make something.

While listening to the soundtrack of Love Actually, this song came by:

Sound no longer available.

I have seen the film a million times and know this song is popping up somewhere in the film (it’s a beautiful song), but I can’t picture the scene.

Can you? (without having a look at the film!)

14 thoughts to “Have a great one”

  1. Yeah, happy birthday to Bill (and Jill) :D and good luck with your short. It sounds very exciting.
    Argh, I know what scene it is but I can’t remember. It’s the scene where Juliet is watching the wedding video, right? Or a scene with Jamie and Aurelia.

  2. Isn’t it the scene at the office, after work, almost dark, when ‘what’s her name ‘ (the American) says goodnight to her hunk, wanting to say something to him but still not daring to? He switches off his light and…her phone rings..her brother again…??? Hmm..not sure now anymore..

  3. It’s the office scene, when Sarah checks her make up and Karl leaves. Just when he’s gone her mobile rings (Yeah. Absolutely. Free as a bird. Fire away !)

    “…Eleven pipers piping.”

  4. It actually plays more than once in the film. It is ALSO in the scene where Keira Knightley is watching her wedding video and realising that the boy who filmed it is totally in love with her, and he doesn’t hate her as she initially thought.

    It is an amazing piece and it breaks my heart every time I hear it.

  5. I can’t remember exactly when the song played, which is pretty pathetic since I took your advice and watched ‘Love Actually’ on the weekend.

    Happy Birthday to Bill and also to Jill. It must have been fun meeting … how’s the new red laptop?

  6. I have to agree with Ella – everytime this piece appears it pulls at my heartstrings. Craig Armstrong wrote some great themes for this film.

  7. @Pedro : are you sure you are a man? Remembering the lines like that? I am impressed!

    @Ella and Mark: it breaks my heart too every time I hear it. I was wondering – would it have the same effect on me if I didn’t know the film but just heard the music? It is an interesting thing to think about, and yes great theme for this film. I have to watch it – now.

    @kate: did you like the movie? (I hope you did!) The new red laptop, which has just arrived after a whole day of waiting – is absolutely gorgious and really beautifully red. Picture one of these days, if I have nothing better to write about.

  8. OK I just watched the whole film again (it never loses its magic) and the above song is all over the place. I am sure I haven’t caught them all, but this song plays in the following scenes (and probably in more)
    Colin settles in in France
    Hugh Grant’s prime minister speech
    Keira watching the wedding tape
    Colin saying goodbye to Aurelia
    Mia (Alan Rickman’s love interest) after the party
    Laura Linney in the hospital with her brother
    Alan and Emma in bed
    Sam on the airport chasing his girl
    Half naked Bill ripping off his trousers.
    The whole Colin asks Aurelia sequence in the restaurant in France.

    What I mean to say – find the DVD – put it on, watch it and feel good.

  9. I knew it was a multible scene track, but I most remember the Alan and Emma part and where Colin is going home again. And………I was listening to it yesterdagmorning as well. Just felt like it. My kids love the two craig Armstrong themes by the way. They even ‘sing’ along to it in the car. Actually.

    I never pictured you the it-girl who’d buy a computer for it’s looks ;o)

  10. @Ingrid: I am a man or otherwise I’m an ugly women with a moustache and chest hair :).
    I’m not bothered that it’s a romantic comedy. As long as it’s a good movie! I like Nothing Hill and Four weddings as well. I hope you don’t think less of me now?

  11. @Annerie: You raised your kids well! :)
    Ehrm – I worked as an IT girl for more than 20 years – I guess that is hard to brush off. And – I am obsessed with the colour red – so when I could get a red one for the same price, I didn’t have to think long!

    @Pedro – no you earned a lot of credit and you have my highest respect, liking films like that!

  12. I am not peeping at the other comments. Is it the Colin Firth scene when he is in the car after sayiong goodby to the girl at christmas (He nearly drives into somebody)??

  13. Dear Ingrid, I was delighted to meet you in person – and what a great honour to share a post with Bill (and even for the same reason, imagine that!! ;) ) I was ‘behaving’ computer-wise and so I (unfortunately) did not see your post before… But it was lovely to read it now that I got home, just as it was lovely to meet you when I arrived in London the other day :)

    Ah, and thanks to you kind comment-people for the birthday wishes as well! :)

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