I posted another song from the Love Actually soundtrack in this post. I love this version and was shocked to read that Lynden David Hall, who also performed the song in the film, died in 2006 of cancer at the age of 31.
[audio:0006.mp3]Today’s card (I am not cheating, they do come one per day!) is called “Love and Jazz Actually“. It’s again a completely different card and I really like it.
I was happy to hear that the first girl has arrived safely at her destination. Royal Mail did a great job, despite the Christmas business – it arrived in one day (in the UK that is).
And there is good news on the “Make a short in December” project.
After a very bumpy start with too many problems to mention and many lessons learned (which is good) things are looking very good now. Several people have mentioned that the film industry is full of wannabees and people with too large egos, and I can agree, as I have met some of the worst examples. I try to run the other way when I meet them, life is too short.
So yesterday I spent 5 hours together with a very talented writer/director, we sat down, we made Yorkshire tea (I am not kidding), we had chocolate and we started brainstorming. 5 hours later a cracking finished script rolled out of the printer.
I have tried to write with other people before, but often I felt that I had to compromise too much by accepting ideas that I didn’t really like. Not this time, 2 silly minds who thought alike created this script. It is extremely fun to write with someone who both knows how to write, who can write funny lines, and for whom no idea is too silly. I hope to write more things like that.
So, the 18th of January is the deadline for this project and the short needs to be finished by then. It will be a 60 second remake of an existing film (it is allowed to have some sort own interpretation of it, which is what we have done). It is an action film this time which is not something I have tried before, but it is quite fun to write and if it is going to look like we want it to, it is going to be really cool.
If you missed it, my first (well sort of first, and made in collaboration with someone else) short is online too: watch Persuaded.
Shall I tell you some good news? From tomorrow the days will become longer again.
And I am going to say it now, because I know people are leaving their homes, off for family visits, holidays or other ways to spend their time:
Merry Christmas to all of you out there.
MerryChristmas to you too, wish you a lot of inspiration, health and Love in the comming year ;o-)) XXX
Merry Christmas to you too (there, I’ve said it!)
And thanks for keeping us entertained and making us think through the year!
Got my card today!!! Thanks, Ingrid. It’s a great one! (still no sign of mine?)
Two tries later … You’ve made a lot of progress on your Christmas project. Finding someone you can write with is no small feat – like serendipity.
I enjoyed ‘Persuaded’. The actor had a yummy voice. The ending was great!
Merry Christmas to you, Ingrid. I have to put your card in the mail.
Wow Anne, that is amazingly fast, 2 days!
I have the impression that outgoing post is going faster than incoming post (into the UK that is).
@Kate – thanks Kate, I am glad you like Persuaded.
And I look forward to all those cards!! I wonder how long it will take before my card is with you, it’s one of the longest distances.
Got my card today, could hear the girl giggling when I approached the letter box. Lovely card!
Merry Christmans to you, too, Ingrid.
Merry Christmas !
After long hours of hard work my reward was in the mail : The Girl right there on my new doorstep. It made me soooo happy.Perfect timing Ingrid ;o)
I hope mine will arrive soon in your mailbox.
Happy X-mas Ingrid !!!!!!!!!!!!!