Let’s start this week quietly.
With a song about me. And you.
I can’t quite figure out if this is a hopeful song or just a realistic one.
But it is one of the most beautiful songs I know, and I have played it nearly all weekend while sitting in cafes trying to figure out how to get the two people in my script together.
And it is the song I’m going to play for my boyfriend.
When I’ve, y’know: met him. (Shamelessly inspired by @pauldwaite)
Sound no longer available …
So what song are you going to play for your boyfriend/girlfriend, when you’ve, you know, met him/her?
From the truth, from the truth.
(Zero 7 – Distractions)
You realise you owe me pounds for all the songs I have to scurry off and buy from iTunes??!!
Love the song.
I am really sorry :)
I love Zero 7, their music is so dreamy – which fits perfectly to my general state of mind.
I’d play TRUE COMPANION by MARC COHN for my husband, but he’s more into heavy metal. Sigh…
whoever I’m with…
Wow – those are both really beautiful songs! Thanks for sharing!
Love this song!!
The song I’ve been playing endlessly for my boyfriend – whom I’ve met but does not yet know he is to be my boyfriend and I actually wonder whether he’ll ever know, but that’s another story – is “You go to my head”, by Diana Krall… because he really does :)