Son of Rambow

Son of Rambow

No I haven’t seen it yet, but honestly how can a film fail when you have casted fantastic actors like these. I will be very surprised if this is not going to be one of my favourite films of 2008.

Tonight I will attend a preview of it with a Q&A with director Garth Jennings after the film. Garth Jennings is one of my director heroes as he is the man who directed The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and yes I happen to like that film a lot. And not only because of the excellent casting of Slartibartfast.

I have been banging my head for forgetting to take my copy of The Guide with me today. It would have been awesome to have his signature beside the one from Slartibartfast. I might have a go at buying a copy in my lunch time here in Notting Hill.

Son of Rambow trailer
Official site

I have seen some more films recently, and you can find them here. There haven’t been any great ones since Juno.

I know it is kind of on the low site, the writing here, but honestly there is not that much to write about. I guess today’s horoscope (do I believe that crap? No! But sometimes they are just very accurate) is very true:

You’re not sorry to be seeing the back of March. You’ve got a nagging feeling that you haven’t done your best this last month. You’re right. But you know you’ll do better in April. Think ahead, positively.

So I picked up my script yesterday, felt completely alienated from it, but will put my teeth back in it and finish it. There.

2 thoughts to “Son of Rambow”

  1. I’ve got some Odeon vouchers to use by April 30th and I was thinking of seeing Son of Rambow, there doesn’t seem much more upcoming at the moment to see.

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