Snapshots of Ireland

Snapshots of Ireland

I am back in London after a wonderful long week in Ireland.

While Ireland is famous for its rainy weather, and I did in fact arrive in rainy weather, it all changed on Sunday and I had a week with marvelous weather, lots of sea, beautiful scenery, tea in bed and full english every morning, two lovely dogs to walk, light houses, yellow shells, sheep, black berries, seals, beautiful flowers, Davy Jones and the good company of my best friend.

It was incredibly peaceful and quiet and on our daily morning walk to the beach it was absolutely silent, no sounds at all. The step to a crowded London tube was nearly too big.

Ireland is to be recommended and some more photos are on their way. Now it’s back to working on my short film.

6 thoughts to “Snapshots of Ireland”

  1. So glad you had a terrific time – welcome back! I would love to go back one day :) Ireland really does something to you.

    Love the picture of Davy on the rock, by the way.

  2. @grigorisgirl: it is so peaceful there, very quiet. 8 miles to the nearest shop! :) Loved it there, it’s beautiful. The wonderful weather did help a lot though.

    @Anna: it surely does. Davy on the rock, what can I say! :) I am afraid we took Davy out one day and took some pics of him in different places. Will post them at some point. That’s what you get when you put 2 Nighy fans together for a week :)

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