New York state of mind

I have three questions to you today dear readers:

  • 1. After how many pages is it allowed to decide not to read the rest of the book? I recently stopped reading a Zoe Heller novel just because it bored me to death. Should I have hold on or is it OK to stop reading?
  • 2. Which novels do I simply need to read? I am looking to take some books to New York next week. I need books that hook me from page one. Have you read any good books lately that you can recommend?
  • 3. What are your favourite things/best tips to see in New York?
    I am preparing for my trip and want to make a list of things to do and sights to see.
    (Even though it snowed in Central Park this morning, the weather looks fine next week. Cold with some sun.)

16 thoughts to “New York state of mind”

  1. My all time favourite romantic novel is “The Bridges of Madison County” by Robert James Waller. It is not a modern novel, though.

    A good book I recently read is “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini. But I doubt that it suits your New York state of mind.

    Maybe Charlotte Otter’s readers are right in recommending “One Fifth Avenue” by Candance Bushnell for a trip to N.Y.

    But what do I know – I am more into thrillers :)

    After my 40th birthday I took the liberty to put down any book that doesn’t grip me from the start. From a certain age there’s no time to waste…

  2. OK I removed the romantic bit from the question as I actually quite like thrillers too and I want to read something simple this time. That Charlotte post is an interesting one – thanks! Found a nice link to NY what’s on weekly site :)

    Last good book I’ve read recently: Ian McEwan – On Chesil Beach.

    And I totally agree with you there – life is too short for books that are not gripping from the start :)

    Oh I never read Madison Country but the film is one of my favourites.

    @rob : not sure how long it lasts though as I am still fiddling with it :)

  3. the shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz zafón is the best book i’ve read in a long time, and i’ve read many books the last few years.

    a book that bores you, you can put aside when yóu want to ;-)

  4. ‘Everything is Illuminated’ by Johnathan Saffron Foer. Sometimes infuriating but protypically NY jewish voice in the tradition of smart-arse clever American writers. Very talented guy was about 12 when he wrote it. I hope you’re not going to read UK authors when you are there!!!

  5. I always used to think you should battle through a book come what may but life’s too short! I started that huge book Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell and after about 100 pages or so I just knew I’d never finish it so passed it on.

  6. 1. It despends on the quantity of pages in a book. If the first ten pages of a book with ± 150 pages suck, then you must stop and use it as a doorstop, otherwise it might be good. (As long as it’s not a phone book or a travel guide)

    2. I can’t give you any tips on that. At the moment I’m reading Lonely Planet’s Madagascar Travel Guide and It’s Not Easy Being Green.

    3. The best thing to see in NY are the New Yorkers. Just go somewhere for tea or coffee and take a seat at the window. It’s better than TV.

  7. A Dutch one, so you might be able to pick it up whenever you’re in the Netherlands: “De Overgave” by Arthur Japin. Highly praised in the press, so I borrowed it from my mum. ;-) And even though I’m usually not a sucker for historical family portraits, I must admit this was a very interesting and easy read.
    I also enjoyed “The Devil wears Prada” by Lauren Weisberger some time ago, but perhaps you’ve already seen the film.
    I’ve just started in a Dickensian novel, set in 19th century London: “The Crimson Petal and the White” by Michel Faber. It’s fascinating… but different. I don’t know yet if that’s a good sign or not.

  8. I work for and we have made this “law of reading”:

    Læs hvad du har lyst til
    Læs hvor du har lyst
    Læs når du har lyst
    Lær mens du læser
    Grin mens du læser
    Græd mens du læser
    Del dine læseoplevelser
    Læs bøger på PC, IPod og papir
    Det er altid OK at læse
    Du bestemmer om bogen er god – drop den dårlige
    (Litteratursidens læselov)

    My work means that I read loads of books, but thay are all Danish, but I can recommend Nials Christian Grøndahl “Fire dage i marts”, Sissel-Jo Gazan “Dinosaurens fjer” og Liv Mørk “Falken og falkoneren”, just in case you feel like something Danish…Actually some of them are translated I think.

  9. If a book is bad, ditch it as soon as you can. If you are constantly doing something else when you would normally be reading then it’s time to change. Life is too short.

  10. @Joachim: that’s one of my absolute favourite books ever, I read it and I love it :)

    To all others: thanks so much for the suggestions, I will let you know what I have read. It will probably endup with me not reading anything at all because I am too busy enjoying New York!

    But I will make a note of all the book titles in the comments and keep and eye out for those book. (I use a lot, a great website!)

  11. I found you by searching in google “the girl with kaleidoscope eyes”, which is my messenger nickname and also something that was in one of your posts. I am an Italian girl (now you know why my English is sooo bad) and I simply cannot stop reading your posts and watching your photos!!! Yours is the best blog I’ve ever visited. It’s so simple and spontaneous and interesting and full of life! I can’t explain -but I always find a piece of me in it…
    I recommend you “Atonement” by Ian McEwan. It’s an incredible novel, I’m sure you’ll love it as I do.

    go on this way, Girl! =)

  12. >What are your favourite things/best tips to see in New York?
    Has to be the Empire Cafe – late at night, snow outside and the piano playing – bliss!

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