Some Friday afternoon entertainment

All these stop motion short films make me:

1. Smile big time
2. Want to make one myself

Now there are quite a lot of them there, but I will point you to the ones I like best:

1. Her morning elegance
I love love love this film. And I also really love the song, it is called Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie, who also made the film. (More info about how they made the video here).

2. Firekites – I love how the birds fly from blackboard to blackboard.

3. Deadline which is made entirely with post-it notes!

In case you are wondering what stop-motion means: Stop motion (or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small amounts between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames are played as a continuous sequence. (from wikipedia) Basically it is a film made of photographs.

I have actually taken the photographs for a short first stop motion video, but I have been majorly struggling with all kinds of crappy editing programs to turn it into a film. I didn’t succeed and gave up. Maybe my editing course ext week will push me in the right direction to finish it.

I have also bought a timer for my camera, as I also really want to try to make a timelapse video.

There are some unbelievably cool examples of those here and a more basic one here. It must be possible to find some interesting London-by-night spots for my camera. It is basically just setting up a tripod and have the camera take a picture every 2-3 seconds.

Enjoy your weekend!

5 thoughts to “Some Friday afternoon entertainment”

  1. Ooops

    I notice you have a line to Keith Loutit already. That would be me getting all excited and diving just in too quickly. My apologies.


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