After my Adobe Premiere course last week I really needed to go and use it for something. I have long been wanting to experiment with time-lapse photography, so I took a couple of test shots around Trafalgar Square and glued them together into a time-lapse sequence.
Just a couple of notes:
1. It feels good to make something again, even if it is just a simple thing like this.
2. The photos
The camera I used for this is my small pocket camera (Panasonic Lumix TZ4). It was handheld so there is some shaking. It also doesn’t have a built in timer so I used the “burst” option in stead. Also – not all photos are sharp.
If you want to do this properly you will have to use a tripod, and to make things easier for yourself, a good camera with a timer.
I am going to try it again with my Nikon D80. This camera should take better pictures. It doesn’t have a timer either, but I bought an external timer which can be connected to the camera. This sort-of remote control will then take pictures every x seconds. (where x is the interval you have set it to).
But basically what you need to do it to take lots of pictures with very short intervals of the same subject. (And that subject should, obviously be moving/changing etc.)
3. Editing
It was really easy to turn this into a video clip in Premiere. It was a breeze to add a bit of music to it and adding some titles is very easy too.
I set the duration for each photograph at 0.2 seconds. (one fifth of a second, 5 photos per second)
(Note: you don’t need Premiere for this, you could probably do the same thing in Windows Movie maker.)
And I can hear you think – why did you not just shoot a video clip in stead?
Well I kind of like the quirky way in which people or things seem to move in time lapse videos, there is an odd look and feel to it. So I want to experiment with it a bit more.
To do some more practising with the editing – next weekend I am going to visit those two lovely dogs again and I will try to shoot some video clips of them to cut together some sort of “A day in the life of …” clip. Stay tuned.
Update: Uploaded a new version. It is slightly longer with some more footage of people on Trafalgar Square. And I put in transitions between the different sections. And it is slighly better quality.
I keep meaning to have a go at this but not sure if my camera has a timer or not.
It’s a little piece of art this is ;o)
i ran into this one :-)
@grigorisgirl – if your camera doesn’t have it, you can buy a small extension and connect it to your camera, that will do the same for you.
@annerie – thanks, it really is very rough around the edges. Have just created a second version as I found some more photos. I like the people on Trafalgar Square best.
@Olive608 Ok that one is truly awesome! How I would love to make something like that. I need to find someone who is interested in making clips like these in London.
That Youtube link is wonderful!!
I like this! Can I do it myself?
@Anne: Yes you can. You need a camera, take a lot of photos and a program like windows movie maker (which is installed on nearly all windows PCs)
Thanks! Will have a try soon :-)