Thanks a lot for all the encouraging comments on my previous post, it really makes me feel less alone with this.
I had the talk with my boss this morning. He basically confirmed it all, I will get paid until the end of January after that I am on my own. And I don’t have to return to my office, so I bascially have three months to go job hunting in.
My head is a bit frazzled at the moment, and I don’t think I have quite gotten over the shock yet but I am OK. My good friend in Devon has invited me over for a couple of days. My first reaction was, no, can’t do that, I need to update my Cv, I need to call agencies, I need to send applications, I need to … I was stressed basically.
But even my (now ex) boss thought it would be a good idea to just take some days at the coast and clear my head. That way I will be rested and ready to face the music when I get back on Tuesday. So I am away for a couple of days.
It is the weirdest feeling. Yesterday I cycled in to work. Today I know that I am not going to return there ever again. I will really try to stay focused and devote all my time to finding a job. I might escape for a tea to my local Starbucks now and then though, as sitting in my room all day on my own will drive me crazy. I need some people around me and hopefully there will be a good job out there somewhere with some nice colleagues.
I am trying not to panic.
Have a nice weekend everyone. I will be back soon enough.
Well, just stay focused and positive.
Have a good head clearing in Devon and start fresh on Tuesday.
Don’t you worry, You’ll find something.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Remember these?
They worked last time!
Oh Ingrid, I’m sorry to hear this. A weekend away will be good. It’s a scary thing how fast our lives can change in direction. You have always landed on your feet … I am thinking of your adventurous and creative spirit and suddenly, remembrances of your train trip pop into my head. Hope Devon is a balm for your spirits.
I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your job! :-(
I think it is a good idea to take a little break to get over the first shock; I am sure that once you get things sorted out in your head, you will feel energetic and confident enough to go job-hunting.
Good luck!
Yes, catch your breath for a few days then you’ll be able to plunge into the jobhunting with plenty of energy. We’re with you all the way.
Hi Ingrid
Oev, hvor en traels situation … Naar nu “nyheden” lige har lagret sig, haaber jeg for dig, at du vil faa det bedste ud situationen, nemlig muligheden for at proeve noget nyt! Krydser fingre og tror bestemt paa, at du finder dig et godt og spaendende job.
Rigtig godt at tage vaek hjemmefra i weekenden og faa tingene sat lidt i perspektiv.
Kaerlige hilsener
I hope a few days clearing your head (I saw it’s gonna be verrrry windy) will make the shock land a little more gently. And there IS a job for you out there !!! You just take your time and find it. This too shall pass !
I hope you have a good trip en get to enjoy it a little.
My thoughts are with you.
I’ve been there a couple of times (No, not Devon).
You find something for sure.
You’re are definitely not alone.
All of us will move in a little closer and hug and cuddle you.
Just occurred to me that Twitter is a good place to look for work and perhaps to advertise the fact that you’re looking…
Hoping the gales are blowing away the stress and worry.
This is really bad news. It happened to me as well, and it’s terrible. Good luck with the job hunt!
And don’t forget to update your status message on linkedin, facebook, etc and mention that you are looking for a new job!
Dear Ingrid, I just read the bad news, and I feel with you. But I believe in fate, and I am confident that within due time you will realise why this happened to you. You now have the chance to move on to pastures new, and I wish for you that it won’t take too long before you are happy with the (forced) change in your life. Your skills, your determination, your perseverance and a little bit of luck will help you to find a new job – and hopefully one that you like better than the old one.
i’m just catching up – so sorry to hear of this! I think you are doing a great thing, though, by taking a few days off to clear your head, first. Three months isn’t terribly long, but it isn’t nothing, either. Keep us updated – you have a strong support network out here in blogland!
So sorry to hear your news! I went through this last year and understand completely how awful it can be. You have solid skills which will land you something good, I’m confident. Somebody will be fortunate to scoop you up!
It sucks, I know. Been there. But I have always believed that things like this can make you stronger. The only thing is that you probably don’t see it like that at this very moment.
Brick walls are there for a reason. They’re simply there to test how badly you want something. Don’t let them keep you from getting where you want to be. Tear ’em down, climb the wall or dig a hole. You’re creative enough to work around it.
Go get ’em girl!
We’re all with you. Most of us by way of the internet most of the time, but with you all the same. When you think about it, that’s a lot of energy scattered all over the world. A lot of energy that is working on your behalf. Something good will be discovered and all that you’re feeling now will be replaced by the excitement of a new adventure. We know that you are no stranger to that feeling! It will come! We’re all sending out good thoughts!!! :-)
Hi Ingrid. Hope you had a nice trip to Devon. Wishing you all the best for your job-hunting. My fingers will be continuing crossed :-)