Up and down in London town

It is not going that well with the job hunting, and I had a bit of bugger of a day today, so instead of words – here are a couple of photos I took yesterday night and today.

I don’t really like Christmas but the blue and white lights currently installed in the trees on the Southbank are wonderful.

A new one for the collection. I like how this sign is worn down, I spotted it in Wardour Street (Soho).

And this was the t-shirt I stared at while sipping my tea after disaster recruiter meeting number one today:

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”
~ Albert Einstein

I feel so connected to that statement.

Tomorrow I will straighten my back and get on with my job hunting project.

(Update: two new opportunities are bubbling at the moment. Hope is back again – and it really is up and down in London town!)

7 thoughts to “Up and down in London town”

  1. Too bad about the interviews but it’s their loss if they don’t want you :)
    The Christmas lights look lovely. I’m going to London with my dad next week – can’t wait to see them.

  2. Sorry to hear about your day. Up and down is never easy. Let’s just say that you’re being stretched so that your next adventure will fit you like a glove! Yesterday my friend bought a necklace that said – BELIEVE. Good advice for us all!

  3. @Miek – my head is still up :)

    @anna : have a lovely time in London!
    @jaochim @anne: Thank you!

    @grigorisgirl: keeping my chin up too! :)

    @gerry I really like that Gerry, “I am being stretched so my next adventure will fit me like a glove”.

    That is just perfect! I can do a lot more stretching if needed!

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