Tinder: 10 tips for better profile pictures

OK, I know what you are going to say. You are going to say – OMG are you on Tinder? (If you have been living under a rock – Tinder is a hugely popular online dating app.) Well let me put this a little in perspective – I recently spoke with some people about Tinder. Not that we are seriously looking for dates (or maybe some of us are) but the popularity of this app is intriguing me so I had to check it out. Just a little warning – if you want your self-confidence diminished in no time – Tinder is for you.

Tinder is highly focusing on what you look like (no luck there then) – and you can either swipe people to the left (meaning: you might be a lovely guy but nah – let’s not meet) or to the right (oh you look alright – shall we have tea?). In this fast-moving world we live in now this is the way to judge or getting judged. So if you are into Tinder there is no need to emphasize the importance of a proper profile picture.

After some Tinder experimenting – checking profile pictures have been entertaining to say the least but mostly for the wrong reasons. So people of the Tinderverse – let me share a few tips regarding profile pictures with you.

  1. We need to have a talk about selfies. Now this is the photo that is going to give us a first impression right? And it is fine if you are going to use a selfie for this. But just look at this selfie before you are going to post it on Tinder. Are you sure you want to use this particular one as your profile pic? Swipes left …
  2. Hey I love dogs and everything and yours sure looks cute. So does your cat, your parakeet, horse, rabbit (I swear I have seen it all) or whatever other animal you might have as your profile picture. Swipes left …
  3. Photos of you with your (ex I hope?) girlfriend. Seriously? Swipes left …
  4. Wow, that quote you posted as your profile picture is very thoughtful. So is that photo of George Clooney you used. Swipes left …
  5. Photos of you together with a group of your friends. Nice. I am sure you had a good time looking at the big pile of empty beer glasses. But how are we supposed to know which of these 5 party blokes is you? Swipes left …
  6. I know I am a tragic romantic, but even I have to chuckle a little when I see a photo of you on a big white horse …Swipes left …
  7. Only James Dean looks really cool with a cigarette hanging on his lips. Swipes left …
  8. Yeah you got a cool and expensive car. Yeah you look really smug leaning against it with your (probably) expensive sunglasses on. Swipes left …
  9. I am sure it was fun – that party you attended half drunk dressed like a giant panda bear. Swipes left …
  10. Unless you have the body of a God or are Ryan Gosling – better not show us the shirtless photo of you on the beach. Swipes left …
  11. Ah you have a nice smile and don’t look like a lunatic.. Swipes right …

And this pickup line always works with me:

– Look,
you wouldn’t care,
perhaps, to meet again…
for a coffee or a bite to eat or something,

– Okay.

– Well…
Good Lord, good.