There is progress.
All the paint work is done, wowee! Except the stripes in my living room, but that’s not a lot of work and will be done next week.
I have assembled 4 closets. There are two more Billy’s to assemble, that should be a breeze (with a name like that).
The floor has been installed. (Color: weathered oak (grey-ish))
I have a livingroom with a pink chair and two glossy white coffee/tea tables. My dinner table is waiting to get up and my dinner chairs (I ordered an ice blue, purple, orange and grey one – to keep it colourful) are hopefully delivered next week too.
I have a sleepingroom with a Pirates of the Carribean blue wall and 4 closets. And funky curtains!
I have a terrace with flower bulbs, the snowdrops are nearly blooming.
Tomorrow the movers will deliver the rest of my things so I will be reunited with my stuff.
Tuesday my (grey) sofa will be delivered.
Hopefully on Wednesday it will look like a real (ish) home. I really look forward to have some relaxing time on my new sofa having a tea and watching, well Inspector Lynley perhaps on Wednesday? Making a new place your home is a big job but the end is in sight.
How are you all doing?