Last weekend I made a short visit to Copenhagen. Favourite band tv-2 played a release concert for their new album in the Copenhagen Operahouse, so there were several reasons to hop over: a tv-2 concert in an incredible venue (have a look inside here).
I hadn’t been in Denmark for several years and it was both nice and weird to be back. It feels very familiar but yet it is no longer my home.
There are a couple of things I noticed (some of them I had missed):
Kaergarden with salt
There is nothing better than fresh baked bread with Kaergarden butter. The good thing is that they salt all butter in Denmark, which just gives it a much better taste.
Fresh carrotbread. And just the fact that all Danish bakeries are open on Sunday.
Cyclists with helmets
Everyone, children en grownups, is wearing a cycle helmet. I think we have as much cyclists in the Netherlands, and no one here is wearing one.
Great trains
The Danish trains remains one of the most comfortable trains to travel in.
It had been a while (March 2009 to be precise) but one never can see enough tv-2 concerts. This one was entertaining too and it was also nice to meet some old Danish friends.
Great design everywhere
From fantastic buildings (Operahouse) to the clocks on the railwaystation to the furniture in the SAS lounge on the airport. The Danes are masters when it comes to beautiful design.
It seems the preferred way of carrying your goods around in Copenhagen.
Sandals with socks
Wrong. Especially in the winter and even worse with white socks. Just don’t do this.
I didn’t have that much time, but did have a walk around town, also to visit one of my favourite buildings in Copenhagen:
Records shops with Showtime sleeves
and a great Danish breakfast.
I stayed in the Cabinn City hotel, which is affordable and has a great location close to the trainstation and Tivoli. Recommended.