Still loving rain.
Cable car stop ( San Francisco)
Cable car stop ( San Francisco)
Sneakers! (Converse, San Francisco)
Sneakers! (Converse, San Francisco)
Washington capital bike share
Washington capital bikeshare is awesome! Free biking around all day for $7.
The White House, Washington
The White House (Washington DC), hello mr. president!
9/11 Memorial New York
9/11 memorial New York
Frankfurt airport waiting to board for New York
Frankfurt airport waiting to board for New York
Lisbon, Ponte 25 de Abril
Lisbon, Ponte 25 de Abril
View from the roof, Lisbon
View from the rooftop, epic. Yes that is the Tagus.
Classic tram in Lisbon
Classic tram in Lisbon
Schiphol airport
Schiphol airport