I am a sheep and I am cool ‘cos I have a flower between my teeth :)

I am a sheep and I am cool ‘cos I have a flower between my teeth :)
Knock. Knock. Is there anybody still out there?
Coolest Coke can in da world. (Hello James Bond)
Back in Denmark for a week, of course Copenhagen had to be visited too.
A lighthouse on the very eastern edge of Denmark. Nice place to visit!
Merry Xmas everyone!
Yes it is that day of the year again. I always find it a weird day, the day where your age increases with 1. It makes you realise that it is another year gone and also wonder if you spent that year wisely. I am not sure I spent it wisely but I did buy my own place which is nice and I am really enjoying my current job (where I have really nice colleagues as you can see on the photo!). I do sometimes miss London though, the cafes, cinemas and theatre shows and just to live in a place that never sleeps.
Seeing as I now have changed from a big city girl into a house owner with a mortgage living in a small town, I am not sure I have enough interesting things to tell here on this blog. (Hence the lack of updates). But I will let it stay on here for a while to see if any writing inspiration returns at some point.
I have dug up my previous birthdays from my archives, funny to see that they have been spent in different countries and with different state of minds:
My birthday present for this year? It is being broadcasted on Sunday on BBC2, 9pm (BST). Yes, some things never change.
Last weekend I bought an iPad (2). The iPad is great for a lot of things, but one of them surely is drawing. And then especially drawing for people who aren’t particularly good at it, like me.
Yes I drew the sneaker below, but you could have done the same thing, as it has just been a matter of tracing the lines on a photograph and color them in. (don’t tell anyone that secret though!) I admit you could have done the same thing on a laptop in Photoshop but it is so much easier to just do it on the iPad, not the least because it is instant on and it fits better on your lap.
Anyway, here are a few drawings I made tonight (can you guess what my favourite color is? Yes ok). And I will write a bit more about my experiences with the iPad soon. It’s also a great thing to write blogposts on.
I was lucky enough to be able to spot yesterday’s moon eclipse through some holes in the cloud deck. I managed to take some photos.
Did you see the eclipse too?
Happy Easter everyone!