Does this pebble look like a face to you too?
And just in case the “mood of growing satisfying climax” made you wonder what sort of books I read – that’s a completely innocent Wallander thriller.
Does this pebble look like a face to you too?
And just in case the “mood of growing satisfying climax” made you wonder what sort of books I read – that’s a completely innocent Wallander thriller.
Here is mine:
“No I really should not have eaten that. Really not!”
This blog has been neglected pretty badly lately. I will try to get back to the normal update frequency (whatever that is) asap. And yes I do feel quite a bit better, thank you. Back at work now, and it feels like I haven’t been there for 6 months. Don’t know if that is good or bad.
Sometimes I just love Amazon. Just when my heart was about to ache for more Dan, this book dropped in the mailbox. And it is such a great read, especially when you have seen the film as many times as I have. It is a lot of fun to read but it is also excellent screen writing study material.
I’ll have Dan on my lap in the tube, and Billy on my lap when at home.
I think I am covered on the men front.
And in case you were wondering, that white package in the right top corner? I know you are dying to know what’s in there. It’s not drugs I can tell you, not the type of drugs you can get on the streets anyway. It’s another kind of drugs. I’ll tell you what kind of in a couple of days.
I am seriously hungry for pancakes now.
The Salmon of Doubt is a must read if you are a fan of Douglas Adams. It contains interviews with, and articles written by Douglas Adams, and it gives you quite some personal background about Douglas Adams as a person. It’s difficult to base your opinion on books only, but I think it is safe to assume that Douglas Adams was a very witty man to be around. And how weird to read his half finished last Dirk Gently chapters, knowing the book will never be finished. And to read that he was actually considering writing a 6th Hitchhiker book, which will never see the light of day either.
Here is a bit about tea, I especially like his remark about social (in)correctness.
Some people will tell you that you shouldn’t have milk with Earl Grey, just a slice of lemon. Screw them. I like it with milk. If you think you will like it with milk then it’s probably best to put some milk into the bottom of the cup before you pour in the tea.(1) If you pour milk into a cup of hot tea you will scald the milk. If you think you will prefer it with a slice of lemon then, well, add a slice of lemon.
Drink it. After a few moments you will begin to think that the place you’ve come to isn’t maybe quite so strange and crazy after all.
1 This is socially incorrect. The socially correct way of pouring tea is to put the milk in after the tea. Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic or physics. In fact, in England it is generally considered socially incorrect to know stuff or think about things. It’s worth bearing this in mind when visiting.
The whole Tea article is available on h2g2 (the website h2g2 was once started by Douglas, but is now run by the BBC) which is a good source for all kind of Douglas Adams and Hitchhikery related articles.