7 to groove you out on a Monday

Red iPod

“List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.”

I found this meme somewhere on the net, but I can’t remember where. I have included links to the songs on Youtube, so get your dancing shoes and start grooving.

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You’re driving me to insanity

Crazy Chick

Stand up.
Check your room.
Is there space enough?
Make sure of that, particularly on the floor.
Put the volume up.
Take off shoes unless they are comfortable.
Press play.

(Too late …)

Go nuts for a minute or three.
Realize that the lyrics aren’t great, but let’s state here that they are not far from the truth. For some people.

Was it good for you too?

I need professional help.

I bring it to you

My head is somewhat full with joyfull things at the moment, which is good, but that means that the words don’t really want to get out right.

So in stead of giving you some crapilicious writing, I give you the song I have been trapped in for quite a while now. And if you were in London, peeking through my blinds at the late hours of day, you could see me dancing (in the most pathetic way of course) on it way too often lately.

I thought you might like to dance a bit too, so press play and get ready for some UK funkiliciousness:
[audio:Infadels – Love like semtex.mp3]

(They (the funky Brits) are called the Infadels, and I think semtex is the perfect metaphor for a thing that can have as explosive an effect as love)

I’m at my feet now
but boy
I’m still falling at ya