The it’s summer, let’s do a meme – meme

Yes, these are my Kermit sneakers

I got tagged by Vanillasky for this questionaire, so here we go.

What is your current obsession?
Uhm. Going to the cinema and watching Last Chance Harvey. Have seen it 4 times now. Last Chance Harvey is the new Dan in Real Life for me. I love it.

What is your weirdest obsession?
Notebooks. Pens. Visiting light houses. And Bill Nighy. Or, wait a minute – is he a weird obsession?

What are you wearing today?
Jeans, very green Converse sneakers, a blue checkered shirt.

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What have you seen?

Entertainment weekly has published a list with 100 new classic movies, and it did not take long before that was turned into a meme. I could not not do this one, especially because there are so many movies I have seen on this list. So here we go, the bold ones I have seen. And feel free to copy!

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)
2. The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-03)
3. Titanic (1997)
4. Blue Velvet (1986)
5. Toy Story (1995)
6. Saving Private Ryan (1998 ) (Have seen bits of it, but find it too hard to watch)
7. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
8. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
9. Die Hard (1988 )
10. Moulin Rouge (2001)

90 More to go! »

28 things you couldn’t care less about

I need to deliver a one page treatment (this time for real, there is no more postponing now) on Monday, which means that my brain is trying to make sense of the gazillion of loose story ends that are orbiting inside in my head. And things not making it better – the tutor’s remark that people not writing in their own language (foreigners = me) could have a hard time. Too many spelling errors in the script = not passing. That worries me a bit. I might have to look for some friendly creative and imaginative native English people out there who would like to be my human spell checker. And the fact that I don’t really have a crystal clear story is slightly worrying too.

So that’s why it was very tempting to fall back on a meme. You know, the ones I normally don’ t do. But sometimes I am weak.

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4 things

Memes are just a way to get out of your writersblog. And while you might think that all is fun and all is good, there are days where I am worried. Worried if everything will fall in place, if I can find a job, if I get my flat sold. And worried about a 100 other things. And all this with only 37 days left. On those days, memes are the easy way out. SO – here you go. The 4 things meme.

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