Photo taken at: Holborn tube station
Tag: tube

Daily transport and some fessing
Random things about a randomly picked subject. Today: transport in London. And some fess up Friday too.

Tube Tragedy II – a true but short story
Tragic. Romantic. But. Pretty. Cute. Guy.
(See also: Tube Tragedy I)

Mind your brain
Should I be worried about the fact that I have been trying to touch out with my home keys in stead of my Oyster card the last two days, while leaving the tube station?

Tube travel mates and Stephen Fry’s Cinderella Panto
Those two did accompany me this morning on my travel on the Hammersmith & City Line. Trust me they look more dangerous than they were, they were quite cute, and a bit bored and not too happy to be on the train. And they have this intensely sad look on their face. They are not very pretty either, but I love them just the way they are. (Got that Bridget?)
And I saw Stephen Fry’s Cinderella in the Old Vic today.

Tube Tragedy – a true but short story
Tragic. Romantic. But. Pretty. Scrummy. Man.

Don’t hurry the journey at all
OK, so I left work at 5pm, because I thought 2 hours and 15 minutes would be enough to travel to the end of the world. Or the end of the tube map rather, I needed to go to Uxbridge which is the end of the Piccadilly Line, there were the trains drive of the map and disappear in the land beyond. From there the Tardis would be waiting for me, and I would be flown to Pinewood Studios where I would attend the TV recordings of the Weakest Link. the Dr. Who special. With David (The Doctor) Tennant.
That was my plan.

Heavy Loads
Now, I have 2 questions:
1. Why did they use the “” around Heavy Loads ?
2. And what do they mean with Heavy Loads in the first place ? How heavy are we talking about ?
(Picture taken at an Underground station, and I don’t rrreally remember which one at the moment (annoying isn’t it)).
Love thou underground
14 reasons to love the London Underground:
- If you just missed a train, the next one won’t be far away.
- You never really know for sure how the world looks like when you popup above ground again. Life is an adventure.
- Yes sure there are delays sometimes. But I have never seen delays being notified so clearly. And why make a big fuss about them – when did 10 minutes extra suddenly make that big a difference in your life.
- How can you ever get enough of “Mind the gap” and “mind the doors”
- The new Oyster card is a genious idea, and many international cities could learn from it. Yes I am a proud Oystercard owner, and London is my oyster.
- You can style your hair in the wind that is pushed forward by a train when it arrives. If you don’t need to style your hair, just let the wind touch your face. It is nice.
- It is never cold, underground.
- There is always funky live music on Piccadilly and Leicester Square station. It sounds good, underground, and sometimes it is more than funky.
- The signing is so easy to follow that it is hard to get lost, or to get on the wrong train.
- Take a closer look at the interior of the trains, and see how f.ex. Piccadilly Line (blue line) trains have blue frames, and Central Line trains (red line) have red frames. Someone has been thinking about things here.
- No mobile phone noise in the underground trains.
- Most tube stations are beautifully designed and decorated.
- And the most important thing : it brings you around in London in a fast and convenient way
In other words : the tube is your friend in London.
Afgezien van de ontzettend korte transport- en wachttijden, viel me iets anders op in de tube. De rust. En de grote hoeveelheden mensen die een boek lazen. Opvallend. Toen ik later bovengronds in een dubbeldekker terecht kwam, kwam ik erachter waar de rust in de tube vandaan kwam. Mobieltelefoons werken niet ondergronds !
Leuker kunnen we het niet maken
Tubeguru (en makkelijker ook niet).